We love pampering your pet! We offer many grooming services to keep your dog looking and feeling their best.
Bath, Brush, and Nails
Give your pet a clean fresh look. This service includes a shampoo, blow dry, 15-20 minutes of brushing, and nail trim. We also use a Furminator Anti-Shedding Treatment. It is a great way of cleaning up a really thick coat on dogs who shed.
Full-Service Groom
Fancy and fun, our full-service groom is anything but basic. Allow us to give your pet a bath, blow dry, 15-30 minutes of brushing, coat trim, ear cleaning, and nail trim!
● Specialty cut
● Brush out
● Face trim
● Sanitary trim
● Hair coloring or stenciling
● Flea and tick shampoo
● Ear cleaning
● Dremel or file nails
● Tooth Brushing
● Clean feet
● Paw polish
● Skunk service
● Furminator
● De-matting
● Anal glands
● Bows
● Facials
We require payment, of a $25 + tax deposit prior to booking an appointment. The deposit is refunded if you cancel with us 48 hours before the scheduled appointment time (you must cancel by 8:00am Friday morning to cancel a Monday appointment). The deposit can be used to apply toward the grooming fee, or you can use it to book a future groom with us. If you do not cancel within the time requirement stated, your deposit is retained to reimburse the groomer for their time.
Grooming Technician
Laura grew up in the country, in Mapleton, MN. She has always had an animal, from hedgehogs and birds to dogs and horses. She has a mixed-breed rescued pup named Thelma, who is 7 years old.
Laura learned about grooming as an assistant at The Paw's grooming salon in 2010. She found that she loved grooming and expanded her skills, becoming a lead groomer. Laura enjoys building relationships with all of her clients and being able to make dogs feel good. In her free time, she is active in sports, especially softball and volleyball, and spends time with her family.
Grooming Technician
Hanna started grooming in 2015 and joined The Paw’s grooming team in July 2020. She has seven snakes; three Western Hognose, two Ball Pythons, a Milk Snake, and a Columbian Boa, as well as two Leopard Geckos. She has hopes of adding a dog to the family soon. Until then, she enjoys getting her dog fix through grooming. Her favorite part about her job is that every day is different. Each dog keeps her on her feet and she loves the puppy kisses.
Hanna’s outside hobbies include all things nerdy, pop culture, Japanese culture (Anime), and road trips in her RV.